Sports and Outdoors

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Salamonie Reservoir seniors picnic, June 1

Indiana DNR Release:

Individuals age 50 or older are invited to a seniors lunch, June 1, at the Salamonie Interpretive Center.

Kathy Holst of the Huntington City-Township Public Library will present a program titled “Save Your Brain.” The program features puzzles and exercises that can be used to keep your mind alert, while honing thinking skills.

The program begins at 12:30 p.m. A meat dish will be provided by Upper Wabash Interpretive Services (UWIS). Seniors should bring a dish to pass, their own table service, and $1 donation to help defray the cost of the provided meat dish.

Register by calling (260) 468-2127, or in person at the interpretive center.

Park entrance fees of $5 per vehicle for Indiana residents and $7 per vehicle for non-residents will apply.

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