Indiana DNR Release:
Starting July 1, deer hunters who want to help landowners or farmers remove excess antlerless deer from private property during the regular deer hunting seasons can sign up on at
Using an online form, each hunter will be able to select up to two counties that he or she would be willing to hunt. Landowners or farmers who think they need additional antlerless deer removed from their property can then contact their district wildlife biologist for the list of prospective hunters for their area. The landowner would then be responsible for reviewing the information on each application and contacting the hunter(s) of his or her choosing.
The registration form must be completed online from July 1 at 12:01 a.m. to midnight on Aug. 31. There will be no exceptions or extensions to the deadline. Mailed or faxed copies will not be accepted. Hunters who do not have Internet are encouraged to visit a local library offering Internet access. Multiple applications submitted by the same hunter are prohibited and will be purged from the database.
The program is designed to connect landowners and potential hunters; there are no special hunting benefits associated with this program. The program does not increase a hunter’s bag limit, county antlerless deer quotas, or give the hunter any special considerations or license fee reductions. Hunters selected by landowners to hunt on their property must abide by all Indiana hunting regulations, bag limits, bonus antlerless quotas, and purchase the appropriate valid license(s) needed to take one or more antlerless deer off the property.
What's Up! Wednesday, March 16, 2016
8 years ago
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