Sports and Outdoors

Thursday, April 10, 2014

DNR asks public help in finding Indiana’s largest trees

From the Indiana Department of Natural Resources:

Do you know of an extraordinarily large tree?

The DNR is accepting nominations for the 2015 Big Tree Register, a list of the largest known specimen of each native tree species in the state. The register is published every five years.

Nominations will be accepted through October.

The 2015 Big Tree Register nomination form is at . The form includes additional information on finding and measuring big trees.

The 2010 register is at

The biggest big tree in the 2010 Register is a 136-foot tall sycamore tree in Johnson County with a trunk more than 25 feet around.

The smallest big tree in the 2010 Register is an American hophornbeam (aka ironwood) in Vanderburgh County that is 12 feet tall and 3 inches around.

The register requires three measurements: trunk circumference, in inches, at 4 1/2 feet above the ground; total height, in feet; and average crown spread, in feet.

The total size of a tree is calculated using the formula: circumference + height + 1/4 average crown spread. The tree of each species with the highest total is Indiana's largest.

Each tree nominated is verified for species and size before acceptance in the register.

For more information about nominating a tree for the register or to receive a nomination form, contact district forester Janet Eger at (812) 247-2479 or email

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